Beautiful property, just down the road from the planned development Wakefield at Barium Springs (similar to Birkdale Village style but 3x the size). Wakefield has been officially approved and the land clearing has begun! This 14-acre property is located in south Statesville, right off Hwy 21 with lots of road frontage, and zoned B5 which allows for general business use. It is currently zoned for a driving range, although it has not been in operation for years. The tax value shown does not reflect the entire tax value. Lots include the big driving range, the small house beside it (.5 acre), and a vacant lot (1.4 acre) abutting Third Creek. The portion of land in the back is in a 100-year flood zone, however, it can be developed! And with 8-10,000 vehicles passing a day, this will make an awesome business for someone!